Research Topics
Integration vibration control with energy harvesting (振动控制与能量收集的结合)
Vibration-based energy harvesting, Wave energy (基于振动的能量收集,波浪能)
Bridge health monitoring (Influence line-based method) (桥梁健康监测-影响线方法)
Integration vibration control with energy harvesting (振动控制与能量收集的结合)
The concept of integrating the energy harvesting function into traditional vibration control devices/dampers is appealing due to the following aspects: (1) it justifies the use of large-size energy transducers that are required for vibration control; (2) the harvested energy is typically comparable to the vibration energy of the host structures, which is usually higher than those of the traditional microscale energy harvesters by orders of magnitude; and (3) the harvested energy can directly supply the energy consumed by sensors, controllers, and control devices in the vibration control system, which easily justifies the need for and application scenarios of these energy harvesters. Consequently, the concept of a self-powered control system (either semi-active or active) becomes viable. Although the energy storage of this system is limited owing to the direct usage of the harvested power, the dual-function devices play a key role in such a system.
Dual-function damper in full-scale bridge cable
Configuration of dual-function damper
Vibration-based energy harvesting, Wave energy (基于振动的能量收集,波浪能)
Energy harvesting, which refers to the process of extracting energy from surrounding environments or systems and converting it to usable electric energy, has been recognized as an emerging and promising technology to support the explosive growth of global power demands. Potential energy sources include, but are not limited to, sunlight, vibrations, heat, and radio waves. Among them, vibration-based energy harvesting techniques have elicited increased interest because of the ubiquitous availability of vibration sources in various surroundings. Various vibrations, including the vibration of vehicle suspensions; railway tracks excited by passing vehicles; civil structures excited by wind, waves, earthquakes, and other dynamic loads; human motions; ocean waves; industrial machines; and sound waves, are considered as potential sources for energy harvesting.
Double-mass pendulum-based energy harvester and its application to wave energy converter
Bridge health monitoring (Influence line-based method) (桥梁健康监测-影响线方法)
The bridges suffered from continuous deterioration and damage accumulation caused by the long-term effects of traffic loads and harsh environmental conditions once they were built. Bridge health monitoring systems for monitoring bridge operation conditions and ensuring the bridge safety and user comfort during their service life have been installed on numerous bridges, especially for those long-span bridges, such as Tsing Ma Bridge and Jindo Bridge. These monitoring systems adopted different types of sensors and collected a great deal of information, based on which different vibration-based techniques, mainly classified into frequency- and time-domain categories, have been proposed for abnormality detection of bridges.
Scale Tsing Ma bridge and its main structural components